The Blissful Blend Of Sauna Aromatherapy Benefits  


Have you ever thought about spicing up your infrared sauna sessions? You can accomplish this by adding aromatherapy to your sauna sessions.

Aromatherapy involves inhaling essential oils, which can influence the nervous system. The olfactory system our sense of smell, links to the brain's limbic system, an important seat of emotions and memory. Essential oils, when inhaled, trigger responses that affect mood, stress levels, and relaxation.

When your body is at a higher temperature, the scents of the oils penetrate even better. And since the infrared light from the IR sauna heats the body directly, it increases the aromatherapeutic effect. So, how exactly does that work?


Beyond scent alone, aromatherapy unveils a world of well-being. It takes you on a journey back in time, where you rediscover ancient healing through the essence of nature. 

Essence and origin

Aromatherapy is a door to physical and mental wellness. Since the dawn of civilization, it has shaped rituals, medicine, and everyday life. 

Ancient Egyptians first used aromatic resins for embalming and other ceremonies. In Greece, oils like lavender and rosemary boosted strength and purity of warriors and athletes. In China, dynasties wove aromatic oils into medicine, based on their balance-restoring powers. India's Ayurveda also embraced these oils, aiming for a total harmony of wellness of the body and peace of the mind and spirit.

Essential oils have long been cherished for their healing and uplifting qualities. Today, aromatherapy upholds this rich tradition, opening yet another natural path to well-being, rooted in centuries of wisdom.


Healing Through Scent

Aromatherapy, a form of complementary medicine, makes use of essential oils to relieve symptoms and to promote soundness of mind and body [1]. 

When you inhale or directly apply (diluted) essential oils, you stimulate the nervous system and set off signals to the brain. The process sparks body-wide chemical reactions. The oils release tiny molecules that activate the brain's hypothalamus and limbic system.

These interactions influence emotions and memory directly, and trigger the release of hormones like serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine; the hormonal regulators of mood, sleep, and digestion.

Aromatherapy’s ability to alleviate stress, anxiety, and various health conditions, is rooted in its use of natural, plant-based solutions. It can be tailored to individual needs and effectively complements and reinforces other therapies, including psychotherapy.


Welcome to the playground of heat and scent where the interplay of infrared sauna heat and aromatherapy forms a harmonious union, boosts the uptake of essential oil molecules. This synergy intensifies the therapeutic experience, and lifts your session to a whole new level of wellness.

Increased Circulation

As the heat of the infrared sauna infuses the body, your blood vessels widen and your blood flow and circulation get stronger. This process sets the stage for optimized absorption, because more oxygen and nutrients can be brought to the cells of skin and muscles.


Dilutes Skin Pores

The combination of heat and sweating widens up the skin's pores. Essential oils, known for their small molecular size, can more easily penetrate the skin barrier when pores are dilated. This facilitates the absorption of these aromatic compounds into the bloodstream, potentially amplifying their therapeutic effects.

Targeted Inhalation

At the same time, the inhalation of essential oil vapors is heightened in the warm sauna environment. Your lungs absorb these aromatic compounds, stimulating the limbic system in the brain. This results in a holistic sensory experience.


Amplifying Therapeutic Effects

The combined effect of expanded circulation, profound perspiration, and targeted breathing produces a climate that reinforces the therapeutic effects of essential oils. This amplifies the overall sense of well-being and unwinding we experience during an AromaSauna session.

Of course, individual responses may vary. Factors such as the type of essential oil used, personal sensitivity, and the individual's specific health goals influence the outcomes of this fusion.

Relieving Tensions and Holistic Wellness

Both infrared sauna therapy and aromatherapy are individually recognized for their stress-reducing properties. Together, they work in tandem, offering a more holistic way to relief tensions and tightness, stimulate mental relaxation and well-being.

While the combination shows promise, it's essential to use high-quality essential oils only. Also, practice caution in sauna sessions, and balance temperature and duration to prevent discomfort or adverse reactions.


Scientific Studies

Several studies support the individual benefits of infrared sauna therapy and aromatherapy. Research shows sauna use improves cardiovascular health (see out article: 'Does Infrared Sauna Help Circulation?'), diminishes stress, and heightens mood. 

Aromatherapy and Essential Oils: A Map of the Evidence

This research [2] highlights similar positive effects of essential oils  on stress, anxiety, and mood. It shows that aromatherapy effectively manages pain, particularly during menstruation and childbirth. It may also lower blood pressure in hypertension cases and improve stress, depression, and sleep among hemodialysis patients.

For healthy individuals, it reduces stress, eases anxiety before surgery, and improves sleep quality. Applied on the skin, tea tree oil shows promise in treating athlete's foot. However, to find evidence for other conditions more studies are needed.


Aromatherapy - before and after sauna

Have you ever thought about aromatherapy before or after your sauna session? Here are some different settings, each using the restorative power of essential oils to improve physical and mental well-being before or after a sauna session:


Professional massage therapists often combine carrier oils with essential oils. The use of aromatherapy during massages calms the nervous system, assists with insomnia, stress, depression, and anxiety, and alleviates muscular pain and hormone imbalances.

It also affects the limbic system in the brain. This uplifts mood and improves focus and concentration.


Essential oils are extracted and condensed for use in various diffusers, like electric vaporizers and car diffusers. They enrich the environment and safely deliver the beneficial effects of essential oils through inhalation.

Natural Skincare

Essential oils can be applied to the body, added to baths, or used on pulse points for therapeutic effects. When applied directly on the skin, the oils should be diluted with a carrier oil to avoid irritation or allergic reactions.

DIY Aromatherapy

For personal use, essential oils can be added to tissues, handkerchiefs, or cotton balls for a gentle aromatic experience, particularly before bed.


Aromatherapy Candles

Candles made with natural ingredients and essential oils contribute to a tranquil and harmonious environment. Soy candles are popular for their environmental benefits and lack of toxins.

We invite you to continue the journey. Discover the unique mix of these oils with the heat of an infrared sauna for yourself. This combination results in a rich and refined enhanced sensory experience, as it pairs the therapeutic properties of essential oils with the rejuvenating warmth of a sauna.

Grant yourself to enjoy a deeper level of serenity and health improvements, a true testament to the ongoing evolution and adaptability of aromatherapy in modern wellness.


Diane Sargent


1. Cleveland Clinic, Aromatherapy,

2. Michele Freeman et al., Aromatherapy and Essential Oils: A Map of the Evidence, PubMed,

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